Well, this is awkward.

If my blog was a friend, I would feel awfully guilty to be having this conversation with it. Like, I’ve been away for a really long time with no word whatsoever and now I’m just ready to pick back up where we left off. That’s cool, right?

Your artist is showing

I haven’t had much work or journalistic inspiration lately, as the urge to be creative -inspiration or muse or whatever you choose to call it- has overshadowed my usual caution. There have also been setbacks and what feel, in the moment anyway, like tragedies. Through it all I’ve got a new motivation, but it’s been difficult to come to terms with what it is.

I just finished reading Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman. Reading is the wrong word- I consumed that book. I devoured it, It was the answer to that…… Read more